Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English 5 (LDOCE5) software won’t install on Ubuntu GNOME 16.04 LTS, but it is not a big deal since I wouldn’t use the official software. I use the great ldoce5viewer -a python based application- instead. It requires ldoce5.data directory from the LDOCE5 DVD-ROM. ldoce5viewer extracts the data, creates its index for incremental search out of ldoce5.data folder, and it is ready to go. I find it much more user-friendly and faster than the official software.
Here is how I built and installed ldoce5viewer on my distro.
- Install prerequisite packages.
- Git clone ldoce5viewer, build and install.
- Copy ldoce5.data from LDOCE5 DVD-ROM to
or anywhere you like and change access permissions to read-only for regular files and read & execute for directories, otherwise you can’tcd
into the directories. Adjust directory names for your computer.
Fire up ldoce5viewer and locate /usr/share/ldoce5viewer/ldoce5.data when it asks. After a while, it should complete indexing and words should appear as you type on it.
If you want to remove ldoce5viewer and ldoce5.data from your computer run the following commands.
Gökhan Karabulut
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